Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Manly Recipe Book

Every year for Christmas, the hubby's family has a handmade gift exchange. Can I just say that they have about a million dudes in their family? This year I (yet again) drew one of the BIL's.
So, said BIL, Ben, just came home from serving a mission for our church and I decided that the perfect gift would be a manly recipe book. Ya know, so he can impress the ladies and stuff. It was ridiculously easy and super cheap. :) Yay for me.

*Chow: this section is for food that sustains life

*Snackage: this section is for partaaaaays

*The Goods: this section is for treats...or the future girlfriend


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Do you make these for others? If so I am very interested in ordering one for my brother!

- Michelle