Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Orange Earrings and an Apology

First of all, I apologize for slacking off. I fully intended on providing a "mini tute" of sorts, explaining in greater detail how to do the beaded flower shirt. My kids were both very ill over the weekend (as in thinking-about-going-to-the-emergency-room-at-1am kind of sick...thank heaven for priesthood blessings :)), and so I was unable to get it finished in time. I'm planning on posting it this Thursday.

Second, I am happy to share with you a pic of my cute, orange earrings. I actually lost one of the earrings at the park and had to remake them. I still like them, even if they aren't exactly true to the original design. I like the dangling piece. It adds an unexpected flair (unexpected has been my theme, hasn't it?).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Super cute! I don't wear much orange but I love earrings to be a pop of color.