Thursday, April 7, 2011

Who Likes Free?

Me. I do. Whenever I can.

That's why I was so excited that my good friend Melanie shared this with me. It is an amazing idea. Are you ready for it? Maybe I can drag it out a little longer...

:) It is a video series that teaches you how to become a better photographer by BIG (and small) NAMES IN THE BUSINESS. Why am I mentioning "free" you ask? Because they need our help to keep the sponsors happy. All you have to do is follow them on Twitter, Facebook, or Youtube. That's it. It's really that easy. I mean, who doesn't like free help and advice from some of the best photographers around? Another question you may have is "Who are 'they'?"

'They' are Melissa Nui and crew (ha ha...okay, less funny than I thought) and their project is called {FRAMED}. She travels around the country, meeting with local and well known photographers in the area. Amazing idea. Go check out their website, learn a ton, and impress your friends and family with your mad photo skillz!

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