Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One of my favorite things...

I love to craft, cook, and take pictures. I can't begin to describe the feeling that comes with looking at something and say "I did that!" It is truly exhilarating. Like most moms, I can't get enough pictures of my beautiful children. Pictures of Larz are very dear to me. I had a challenging pregnancy and became dangerously ill toward the end-and that was only the beginning. I worked through baby blues, 6 months of sleepless nights, graduating OSU with a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work, new job, a move, and building a home, to name a few things. My sweet boy has provided me the opportunity to learn to sacrifice everything and gain the virtue of patience. Though he provides frequent...learning opportunities, I couldn't ever begin to express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father for the tremendous blessing of my little boy. These pictures, taken for his second birthday, capture his sweet innocence and his wonder and curiosity about the world around him. I look at these pictures and know without a doubt that every second, every heartache, every tear was more than worth it. He is my Larzy boy, he is my joy, and it is a gift each and every day to be his mother.

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